Become A Shooter

Obtaining A Firearms Licence for Longarms

Please refer to Firearms Registry at :

1. Genuine Reason for obtaining a Firearm Licence.

In NSW you must have a genuine reason to obtain a Firearm Licence. The categories here can be:

Sport/target shooting

Target shooters & Collectors have to be members of a Club

Recreational hunting/Vermin Control

hunters do not need to be a member of a club, but can be if they wish. If the hunter does not join SSAA , they require a statutory declaration from a property owner/property manager who will allow them onto their property to hunt (this goes with their application to FAR and means no involvement with a Club once their licence is issued).

Firearms Collection

Members of the SSAA NSW Branches can use their membership to support their genuine reason for having a firearm licence.

SSAA NSW Newcastle Branch can support:

A/B Category Licence for Sport/Target Shooting & Recreational Hunting/Vermin Control and

Category G Firearms Collector Licence.

To join the SSAA NSW Newcastle Branch:

go to the SSAA NSW link and please note the answer to your home club is “SSAA Newcastle #2”

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2. Contact the NSW Firearm Registry

Ask them to send you the licence application forms.

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3. Download the “Safe Shooting” manual

Download the “Safe Shooting” manual

Become familiar with its content. You will be examined on this booklet.

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4. Book in to do the Safe Shooting Course






Book in

You now need to book in to do the Safe Shooting Course run by an Instructor from SSAA Newcastle Branch.

Please email your details, including mobile phone number to to book your place in the next available course OR if you prefer, contact our co-ordinator on 0458 537 435 if you have any further enquiries.
** Note there is a 2 month waiting List **

Once you have satisfied your genuine reason and passed your Safe Shooting course you are now ready to forward your application to NSW Firearm Registry.

If you are using membership of SSAA Newcastle Branch as you genuine reason for owning a firearm, then you need to include a copy of your membership card or a copy of membership confirmation letter.

If you are using hunting on a specific property then you need to include a statutory declaration from the property owner/property manager allowing you onto their property to hunt.

After a 28 day cooling-off period and the approval of your licence, you will be advised to go to the RMS to pay your money and have your photo licence processed, it will be forwarded to you in the ordinary mail system.

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5. Minors Permit:

Aged between 12 and 18 years

This permit is for persons aged between 12 and 18 years who wish to possess and use firearms under the personal supervision of a firearms licence holder to receive instruction in the safe use of firearms or compete in approved target shooting events.

This permit does not authorise the acquisition of firearms.


The prescribed fee for this permit is $75.


Payment must be made with your application, by either cheque or money order, made payable to the NSW Police Force. Alternatively, the credit card details on the reverse of the application form may be completed.

Similar procedure

A Similar procedure as the adult licence above is needed but without the attendance at the RMS. A birth certificate is necessary.


Restricted licence in NSW.

Hunting Licences

You must have a firearm licence before you can apply for your “R” licence.

The SSAA Range at Seaham does not provide R licence course/testing, but we do have “Approved Hunting Organisation” status. The AHO approval number for the SSAA Newcastle Branch is 10681.

Become A Shooter » ssaa safety course